Directory Listing: Python
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0000 - Python. Fundamentos del lenguaje 2a Ed [Eni ediciones] [Sébastien Chazallet].pdf
0000 - Python. Notes for professionals.pdf
2008 - Python for Unix and Linux system administration [O'Reilly] [Jason Brittain - Ian F. Darwin].pdf
2009 - Inmersion en Python3. [Mark Pilgrim].pdf
2009 - Learning Python, 4th Ed [OReilly] [Mark Lutz].pdf
2010 - Python testing. Beginner's guide [Packt Publishing] [Daniel Arbuckle].pdf
2011 - Python para todos [Raúl González Duque].pdf
2011 - The Python Standard Library by Example [Pearson] [Doug Hellmann].pdf
2012 - Python para principiantes [Eugenia Bahit].pdf
2013 - El tutorial de Python 3 [Python Software Foundation] [Guido van Rossum].pdf
2013 - Hacking Secret Ciphers With Python [Al Sweigart].pdf
2013 - Python 3 al Descubierto, 2nd Ed [Alfaomega] [Arturo Fernández].pdf
2013 - Python For Kids [No starch press] [Jason R. Briggs].pdf
2014 - Intorudccion a la programacion con Python 3 [Varo, Luengo, Sevilla].pdf
2014 - Learn Python 3 The Hard Way 3rd [Addison Wesley] [Zed A. Shaw].pdf
2014 - Test driven development with Python [O’Reilly] [Harry Percival].pdf
2015 - Automate the boring stuff with python [No starch press] [Al Sweigart].pdf
2015 - Fluent Python [O’Reilly] [Luciano Ramalho].pdf
2015 - Introducing Python. Modern Computing in Simple Packages [O’Reilly] [Bill Lubanovic].pdf
2015 - Python 3 Object-oriented Programming. 2nd Ed [Packt Publishing] [Dusty Phillips].pdf
2015 - Python GUI Programming Cookbook [Meier].pdf
2015 - Python GUI Programming Cookbook [Packt publishing] [Burkhard A. Meier].pdf
2015 - Web Scraping with Python [O’Reilly] [Ryan Mitchell].pdf
2016 - Introduction to computing and programming in Python 4th Ed [Pearson] [Mark J. Guzdial and Barbara Ericson].pdf
2016 - Learn to Program with Minecraft [No starch press] [Craig Richardson].pdf
2016 - Learning Python Design Patterns 2nd Ed [Packt Publishing] [Chetan Giridhar].pdf
2016 - Python Crash Course [No starch press] [Eric Matthes].pdf
2016 - Python. The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide [Andrew Johansen].pdf
2017 - Coding projects in phyton [DK] .pdf
2017 - Learn more Python 3 the hard way [Pearson] [Zed A. Shaw].pdf
2017 - Python Data Science handbook [O’Reilly] [Jake VanderPlas].pdf
2017 - Python Web Scraping. 2nd Ed [Packt Publishing] [Katharine Jarmul - Richard Lawson].pdf
2017 - The Python 3 Standard Library by Example - [Hellman].pdf
2018 - Beginning Programming with Python For Dummies, 2nd Ed [Wiley] [John Paul Mueller].pdf
2018 - Python Web Scraping Cookbook [Packt Publishing] [Michael Heydt].pdf
2019 - Aprendizaje. Python language [Stackpverflow].pdf
2019 - DevOps in Python [Apress] [Moshe Zadka].pdf
2019 - Python for Programmers [Paul Deitel - Dr. Harvey Deitel] [Pearson].pdf
2019 - Serious Python [No starch press] [Julien Danjou].pdf
2020 - Applying Math with Python - [Morley].pdf