Directory Listing: oxford-cs-deepnlp-2017
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Lecture 10 - Text to Speech.pdf
Lecture 11 - Question Answering.pdf
Lecture 12- Memory Lecture.pdf
Lecture 13 - Linguistics.pdf
Lecture 1a - Introduction.pdf
Lecture 1b - Deep Neural Networks Are Our Friends.pdf
Lecture 2a- Word Level Semantics.pdf
Lecture 2b - Overview of the Practicals.pdf
Lecture 3 - Language Modelling and RNNs Part 1.pdf
Lecture 4 - Language Modelling and RNNs Part 2.pdf
Lecture 5 - Text Classification.pdf
Lecture 6 - Nvidia RNNs and GPUs.pdf
Lecture 7 - Conditional Language Modeling.pdf
Lecture 8 - Conditional Language Modeling with Attention.pdf
Lecture 9 - Speech Recognition.pdf